Bird species included in model
Glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)
Environmental issues simulated
Rice paddy management, including drought conditions, changing food availability
Recommendations from modelling
Current rice field area does not limit Glossy Ibis population growth, but an over 80% decrease would.
More information
Toral, G. M., Stillman, R. A., Santoro, S., Figuerola, J. (2012) The importance of rice fields for Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus): management recommendations derived from an individual-based model. Biological Conservation, 148, 19-27.
Regional Government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía) via project Las aves acuáticas de Doñana y el cultivo del arroz: la interacción entre la agricultura y la conservación de las zonas húmedas and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via project CGL2006-02247/BOS. Gregorio M. Toral funded by an I3P-CSIC grant for the formation of researchers.