Liverpool Bay

Bird species included in model

Common scoter (Melanitta nigra)

Environmental issues simulated

Offshore windfarm development changing habitat area

Recommendations from modelling

Windfarm development in relatively shallow food-rich areas can reduce Common Scoter survival.

More information

Kaiser, M.J., Elliott, A., Galanidi, M., Rees, E.I.S., Caldow, R., Stillman, R., Sutherland, W. and Showler, D., 2005. Predicting the displacement of common scoter Melanitta nigra from benthic feeding areas due to offshore windfarms, University of Wales, Bangor, Wales.


COWRIE under BEN-03-2002. Additional funding from Countryside Council for Wales, English Nature, The Crown Estate, BHP and developers of offshore windfarms in Liverpool Bay.