Burry Inlet and Three Rivers
Multi-site model
Burry Inlet, Three Rivers
Bird species included in model
Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus), Red knot (Calidris canutus)
Environmental issues simulated
Shellfishery management changing food density / quality
Recommendations from modelling
Shellfishery management needs to reserve 2-4 times more shellfish biomass than consumed by Oystercatcher populations.
More information
Stillman, R.A., 2008. Predicting the effect of shellfish stocks on the oystercatcher and knot populations of the Burry Inlet and Three Rivers. Countryside Council for Wales Marine Monitoring Report No. 65, Bournemouth University for the Countryside Council for Wales.
Stillman, R.A., Moore, J.J., Woolmer, A.P., Murphy, M.D., Walkere, P., Vanstaen, K.R., Palmer, D. and Sanderson, W.G., 2010. Assessing waterbird conservation objectives: An example for the Burry Inlet, UK. Biological Conservation, 143(11): 2617-2630.
Countryside Council for Wales