Fehmarn Belt

Bird species included in model

Common eider (Somateria mollissima)

Environmental issues simulated

Tunnel construction, changing habitat area and food availability

Recommendations from modelling

Immersed tunnel construction, through disturbance and reduced food avaialbility, can reduce Common Eider survival.

More information

FEBI, 2013a. Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link EIA. Bird Investigations in Fehmarnbelt – Baseline. Volume II. Waterbirds in Fehmarnbelt. Report No. E3TR0011, DHI, Hørsholm, Denmark. https://vvmdocumentation.femern.com/26.%20E3TR0011%20Vol%20II789b.pdf?filename=files/BR/26.%20E3TR0011%20Vol%20II.pdf

FEBI, 2013b. Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Bird Services (FEBI). Fauna and Flora – Birds – Impact Assessment. Birds of the Fehmarnbelt Area. E3TR0015, DHI, Hørsholm, Denmark. https://vvmdocumentation.femern.com/25.%20E3TR0015%20Vol%20I8099.pdf?filename=files/BR/25.%20E3TR0015%20Vol%20I.pdf


DHI / BioConsult SH Consortium in association with University of Copenhagen and BIOLA. European Union Trans-European Transport Network